Release Date: 30 July 2014
“The Can-Do Country”
Australia is facing a crisis. This issue is the absence of a shared vision for what our country will look like 50 years from now. Without a clear vision our efforts lack focus, bold decisions are put off and we’re greatly weakened on the world stage. Choose any number of examples,
Australia today still sees itself as ‘the lucky country’ believing that the resources, wealth and lifestyle will last a life time. They won’t. The shine is off our apple and it falls to you and I to get it back.
The first thing I propose is the roll-out of nothing less than a New National Identity.
As of 1st August 2014;
“I move that Australia become known as The Can-Do Country”.
Have your say here:
The Can Do Country stands for getting-in and getting the job done, no matter what. We need to come together and Take a Stand on crucial topics not receiving adequate national attention. Current stands include, The Future Population of Australia, Tax Tagging, Development of a High Speed Train Network (the HyperTran), New Energy and The Reconciliation Declaration.
Australians are invited to Take a Stand on issues they feel are of national importance. The fact is, Australia needs a new plan. It needs to be bigger, better and bolder. It needs to inspire and empower us, and our children, to create the greatest-ever Vision for Australia.
Contact: Andy McLeod, #visionaust